Then I did some much needed laundry. This may sound weird, but I love doing laundry.. I just dread putting it up! I am also pretty stocked on detergent. There have been major deals on detergent and I couldn't pass them up. I haven't spent more than $4 on any of this detergent :) woot woot!
I actually got to watch Jeopardy while eating dinner!! J hates Jeopardy. To bad I didn't get many questions right ;) I had a simple dinner: salad with egg whites, cucumbers and peppers with a little vinegar and lf ranch.
and some left over spinach and mash potatoes mixed together
don't be jealous of this goodness!
OH!! How could I forget?!! It's official, I signed us up for the Belews Lake Triathlon . Guess I need to start training!!
mm i love cheese! congrats on signing up for the triathlon, what an awesome thing to do!