Friday, March 4, 2011

Consignment and more pics

Just got back from a consignment sale and SCORED!  Max and Claire are set for a while :)  I love finding good deals!
Babies are napping so hopefully I can get the rest of my pics up!

tummy time

 love those big blue eyes!

Today is going to be super busy!  My tennis coach from college is coming by to meet Max and Claire!  So excited to see her... it has been since our wedding (almost 4 years)!  I need to do a quick clean up and put all these clothes somewhere that's not scattered all over our family room.

Tomorrow we are having the shower that I was supposed to have in November.  It is called  a Sip and See.  I'm really excited bc I haven't seen some of my good friends in a couple of months!  

1 comment:

  1. OMG I die with these pics. If we lived anywhere near each other I'd be all over those cute little babies! How do you contain yourself?? LOL
