Monday, August 23, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Last night I went to see this movie with my Mom and Cousin.  I'll start off with - I LOVE Julia Roberts!  I don't think I have seen a movie that she starred in that I didn't like.  I had all intentions in reading this book before seeing the movie.  I thought it was a good movie and I would def. recommend.  My mom, on the other hand, was bored half way through.  It was almost 2.5 hrs and we were cramped in the very back row so that might have something to do with it!
I did not order popcorn bc every time I do, I feel sick.  Couldn't resist the smell and had some of mom's.  UGH. mistake!  It was swimming in butta! lots of it! So much that Mom's pants had grease stains.  Even though I only had a few bites, I felt like a BLIMP!

Yesterday was 15 weeks!! Justin got home late last night so I did not get my profile pic.  I think I'll wait til Tuesday when I have more info.  I go for an u/s Tues. morning!  Can't wait to see my babies :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved this movie too! Want to see it again!
