Thursday, June 9, 2011

8 More!

Today I had our babysitter come over later so I could go to a kickboxing class at the gym and Justin could go for a run in the park.  I haven't been to a class is a long time, once since the babies to be exact!  It happened be Tyson's class.  I have been going to his classes for over 8 years!  I really enjoy his classes, BUT they really haven't changed in over 8 years!  Music, yes, moves, no!  I could go once a year and still know what move came next!  Part of me likes that bc I know I can do it and won't look like a fool, but the other part of me gets bored with the same moves.  He does this one set of leg pulls and says "8 more" like 5 times.  He will keep going if people aren't counting down with him.  I'll be sore tomorrow!

Taking it back to earlier today -
Max, Claire and I had lunch with one of my favorite nurses while on bed rest in the ante unit at the hospital.  She brought her cute little girl with her!

After lunch I took M and C to the hospital to visit some of our other favorite nurses and take them cookies!  I was hoping to see Dr. Cousins, but no such luck.  Everyone was so excited to see them and how big the have gotten.  As much as a person should hate being in the hospital and on bed rest, I miss being there!  The nurses were AWESOME and treated me like a friend!  It was good to see them - we will have to go back again soon.

This is our new normal: hands in mouth and bubbles!  Look at those cheek pinching cheeks!

Tomorrow Mom is working a 1/2 day then coming to hang out for a few and take them to the pool for their fist time! Can't wait to see those pictures!!

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